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Mission Camp


Equipping Our Students to Represent the Reign of God as: Community, Servant, and Messenger

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What's in store for 2025?

CeDarville University!

At Student Life Camp 2025, we are headed to Cedarville Ohio to stay at the CU Campus!  While there we will learn about God's mercy, the renewed relationship with God that we have through Christ, and how we are called to share that with others!  We will also be spending a significant amount of time serving the local community, engaging with others, and spending time in God's beautiful creation.

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July 14-18

8:00 - Breakfast & Quiet Time

8:30 - Life Group Leader Meeting

9:15 - Morning Session

10:45 - Life Group // REFLECT

11:30-12:00 - Lunch

12:15 - Leave for Mission Sites

12:30-3:30 - Sites

4:00 - Back on Campus

4:00 - Free Time

5:00-6:00 - Dinner

6:00 - Life Group // BIBLE STUDY

6:40 - Student Pastor Prayer

7:00 - Evening Session

To Follow - Life Group // REFLECT

10:00 - Church Group Gathering

11:00 - Quiet Hours

Image by Ronnie Mayo

July 19

Our teens will take some time to explore God's beautiful creation.  We will be going on some hikes, play games, swim, and more!

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July 20

We will head back to the church building on the 20th and arrive in the evening with your students.  Be sure to follow up on what they learned, how they served, and how they grew!


Can't afford camp?

We'll pay up to


Towards your camp fees!

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