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Women's Ministry

Vision and Goals

CBC Women’s Ministry is an active, growing, satisfying, God-glorifying feminine community within the local body of believers where every woman is valued, accepted and loved, and has opportunity to serve the Lord and share in His story with joy and freedom.  Because we value God, His story, His people, and His world we will by the power of His Spirit GLORIFY GOD by . . .

  • Growing together in our knowledge and love of God and His Word, responding in active faith, obedience, and worship.

  • Acquainting women with CBC mission, values, articles of faith, and covenant.

  • Promoting Biblical relationships through fellowship, mentoring, encouraging, helping, befriending, and counseling.

  • Fulfilling God’s role for us in the home, church and community.

  • Reaching out to women within and beyond CBC, meeting spiritual, physical, and emotional needs.

  • Enabling, equipping, and encouraging women to encounter, embrace and exercise their spiritual gifts.

  • Providing resources, training and opportunity to serve the Lord.

  • Being accountable by regularly evaluating our ministries and their progress.


Throughout the year we offer a variety of events which are designed to give opportunity for the women of CBC to interact together, grow in relationship and see how we are ‘in this together”. Some events are purely fun while others will enhance some of the learning taking place in smaller groups. We also promote opportunities to gather with a larger community of women at national conferences (either True Woman or Together for the Gospel Women’s Conference).

Building on the relationships we offer Discipleship groups which are intentionally designed to dig deeper into “teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you” from Matthew 28:20 as well as accountability, prayer and deeper trusting relationships as we dig into God’s Word.

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